
All 2025 Course offerings are now posted!!
Start with the "Schedules" Tab for details
Adventures In Attitudes - Human Relations for Educators EDT6692
Bringing out the Best in Students: -Developing Performance Character EDT6750
Brain Power Strategies EDT6900
Courage for The Discouraged EDT6901
The Well-Informed Educator EDT6932
Creative Teaching Strategies for Teaching Core Standards EDT6725
LifePOWER: -Strategies for Reducing Educator and Student Stress EDT6690
Engaging the 21st Century Learner thru Technology EDT6749
Educating for Character -Developing Moral Character EDT6724
Effective Instruction EDT6729
Hands on Math K-8 EDT6748
Succeeding with Students of Poverty EDT6916
IQ-EQ Connections - Helping Kids Care EDT6438
Literacy for Learning - Reading & Writing Across the Curriculum EDT6701
The Teacher's Toolbox EDT6915
Time & Life Mastery - Time Management for Educators EDT6696
Positive Discipline in The Classroom EDT6731
Risk to Resilience - Strength-Based Interventions for Students EDT6747
Title: Fostering Improvement for Disadvantaged Students
Authors: Andrea L. Schultz and Carole J. Snider
This is a fully updated and different experience than a
It is not a repeat, and new graduate credit will be awarded.
This course contains four units that will offer practical strategies for educators that work with students from underserved populations (students from poverty or disadvantaged students). The first unit will focus on the foundations of poverty as participants examine their own mental maps and biases that surround the
issue of poverty. The second unit will explore school culture and ways to promote equity for all students. Classroom environment and engagement strategies will be examined in unit 3. The fourth and final unit will explore strategies to boost academic achievement and optimism in students from poverty.
Course Objectives
● Examine the mental maps and biases that educators hold about the issue of poverty.
● Understand the challenges faced by students from poverty and their impact on academic performance
● Define equity and identify its importance in the school setting
● Explore strategies for creating a school culture that promotes equity for students from poverty
● Understand the challenges that children from poverty face in the classroom.
● Explore strategies that can be used to support disadvantaged students and improve their academic success.
● Discuss the importance of creating a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment for disadvantaged students
● Implement classroom strategies to motivate and increase engagement of the
disadvantaged student